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La investigación en Seguridad y Salud Laboral en España: estudio exploratorio y de casos

    1. [1] Universidad de Málaga

      Universidad de Málaga

      Málaga, España

    2. [2] Doctor Ingeniero Industrial
  • Localización: Dirección y organización: Revista de dirección, organización y administración de empresas, ISSN 1132-175X, Nº. 66, 2018, págs. 50-59
  • Idioma: español
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Occupational Health & Safety Research in Spain: exploratory and Case Study
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      Investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación son uno de los pilares del crecimiento económico. Aunque las estrategias de seguridad y salud laboral inciden en la necesidad de impulsar la investigación en esta materia, existen pocas líneas de financiación específicas. Para fomentar el impulso es fundamental conocer la realidad de lo que se hace. Así, el presente estudio tiene por objetivo realizar un acercamiento al conocimiento del estado de la investigación, desarrollo e innovación, en esta materia en España. Los resultados indican una mayor cantidad de proyectos y financiación en materia de medio ambiente y calidad que en seguridad y salud laboral.Palabras clave: Investigación, Desarrollo, Innovación, Seguridad y salud laboral, Estudio de casos.

    • English

      Research, technological development and innovation are considered one of the fundamental pillars for economic growth. To strengthen and channel them, both internationally and nationally and autonomously, strategies, funding frameworks and structures have been developed for their promotion. In relation to research on occupational health and safety, there are few specific financing lines for this. In spite of this, occupational health and safety strategies, both in the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014-2020 and in the Spanish Strategy for Health and Safety at Work 2015–2020, emphasize the need to promote research on occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety research is undoubtedly a very broad field, due to its transversality and multidisciplinarity, which makes it difficult to focus its momentum. In order to adequately promote research in occupational health and safety, it is essential to know the reality of what is done about it. However, there are no related investigations. For this reason, the present study aims to make a first approach to the knowledge of the state of research, development and innovation, in terms of occupational health and safety in Spain. The main results were a greater number of projects and a greater amount of funding in terms of environment and quality than in occupational health and safety. In addition, the research, technological development and innovation activities are also considered as growing, although in occupational health and safety with less intensity.Keywords: Research, Development, Innovation, Occupational Health and Safety, Cases study.

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