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Resumen de Perfil e consumo de suplementos nutricionais de praticantes de exercícios físicos em academias

Sônia Maria Borges Moretti, David Michel de Oliveira, Sérgio Arthur de Oliveira Campos, Marina Garcia Manochio Pina, Daniel dos Santos

  • português

    Introdução: a prática de exercício físico em academias pela população adulta vem crescendo notoriamente; isso vem modificando os hábitos alimentares e aumentando o consumo de suplementos nutricionais para atingirem seus objetivos de forma eficiente e eficaz. Muitas vezes, esse consumo é realizado de forma indiscriminada, sem acompanhamento profissional, podendo levar a riscos à saúde. Objetivo: verificar o perfil de consumo de suplementos nutricionais por praticantes de exercício físico em academias. Métodos: estudo transversal realizado em 15 academias selecionadas aleatoriamente. A amostra foi composta por 302 participantes adultos de ambos os sexos de diversas faixas etárias que concordaram em responder questionário semiestruturado incluindo dados sócio demográficos, hábitos frente ao exercício físico e consumo de suplementos nutricionais. Resultados: dos participantes, 70,5% são do sexo masculino até 30 anos, 58% do total apresentaram nível educacional superior. Ao verificar o comportamento frente ao exercício físico, 46% exercitam-se com objetivo de alcançar hipertrofia muscular, 78% de ambos os sexos realizam musculação, 53% realizam exercícios na maioria dos dias da semana e 56% com duração de uma hora e meia por sessão. 58,5% da amostra faz uso de suplementos nutricionais, sendo os mais mencionados para aumentarem a massa muscular: 53,3% Whey Protein e 46,7% repositores energéticos. 70% realizam auto prescrição e 30% recorrem a nutricionistas ou demais profissionais de saúde. Conclusão: a população estudada é composta em sua maioria por homens adultos-jovens com nível superior que exercitam-se por razões estéticas; para tanto, realizam grande volume de exercícios físicos semanalmente e consomem suplementos nutricionais sem acompanhamento de nutricionista. ABSTRACT Profile and consumption of nutritional supplements of physical exercise practitioners in gymsIntroduction: the habit of exercising in fitness centers has grown noticeably in the adult population. This behavior is changing eating habits and increasing the consumption of Dietary Supplements to achieve objectives efficiently and effectively, however often this consumption is done indiscriminately and without professional supervision, leading to health risks. Objective: verifying the profile and consumption of Dietary Supplements habits of adults who regularly exercise at fitness centers. Methods: cross-sectional study conducted in 15 randomly selected fitness centers. The sample consisted of 302 adult participants of both sexes of different age groups that agreed to answer a semi-structured questionnaire including sociodemographic data, physical exercise habits, and consumption of Dietary Supplements. Results: of the participants, 70.5% are males 30 years old or younger and 58% of the total had a college degree. When checking physical exercise behavior, 46% exercise in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, 78% of both sexes train with weights, 53% performed exercises most days of the week, and 56% exercised for an hour and a half each session. 58.5% of the sample makes use of Dietary Supplements; the most commonly used for muscle mass increase were whey protein (53%) and energy stocks (46.7%). 70% self-prescribe and 30% visit a nutritionist or other health professionals. Conclusion: the study population is composed mostly of young-adult men with higher education who exercise for aesthetic reasons; therefore, they favor a large volume of exercises every week and use Dietary Supplements without monitoring from a nutritionist.

  • English

    Introduction: the habit of exercising in fitness centers has grown noticeably in the adult population. This behavior is changing eating habits and increasing the consumption of Dietary Supplements to achieve objectives efficiently and effectively, however often this consumption is done indiscriminately and without professional supervision, leading to health risks. Objective: verifying the profile and consumption of Dietary Supplements habits of adults who regularly exercise at fitness centers. Methods: cross-sectional study conducted in 15 randomly selected fitness centers. The sample consisted of 302 adult participants of both sexes of different age groups that agreed to answer a semi-structured questionnaire including sociodemographic data, physical exercise habits, and consumption of Dietary Supplements. Results: of the participants, 70.5% are males 30 years old or younger and 58% of the total had a college degree. When checking physical exercise behavior, 46% exercise in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, 78% of both sexes train with weights, 53% performed exercises most days of the week, and 56% exercised for an hour and a half each session. 58.5% of the sample makes use of Dietary Supplements; the most commonly used for muscle mass increase were whey protein (53%) and energy stocks (46.7%). 70% self-prescribe and 30% visit a nutritionist or other health professionals. Conclusion: the study population is composed mostly of young-adult men with higher education who exercise for aesthetic reasons; therefore, they favor a large volume of exercises every week and use Dietary Supplements without monitoring from a nutritionist.

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