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Resumen de Conhecimento acerca da alimentação saudável e consumo de suplementos alimentares por praticantes do treinamento funcional

Camila Ferreira da Silva, Tereza Cristina Vieira da Fonseca, Hilo Jorge de Menezes Filho, Luiz Fernando Veloso, Melissa Barral Maia, Ronilson Ferreira Freitas

  • English

    This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge about healthy eating and consumption of dietary supplements by practitioners of functional training at an academy in the city of Bocaiúva, Minas Gerais. A questionnaire was used to collect data with questions about sociodemographic and economic aspects, life habits and the evaluation of healthy eating habits and use of dietary supplements. Thirty-one individuals were evaluated, being 68.3% female and 31,7% male, aged between 18 and 59 years. Of these, 95,1% of the participants reported practicing other sports as well as functional training. 36,6% reported having "very good" knowledge about healthy eating. About which macronutrient should have higher daily consumption 17,1% answered carbohydrates, and in turn, 89,9% cited proteins. 9,8% are users of dietary supplements, the coach being the main source of indication (50%). Protein foods and energy replenishers are the most consumed types of supplements (75%), followed by compensating foods (50%). Regarding knowledge about supplements, 53,7% said they did not have any. It has been observed that most people have sufficient knowledge about healthy eating and little knowledge about the use of dietary supplements. However, the exacerbated consumption of proteins by the athletes demonstrates lack of adequate nutritional guidelines.

  • português

    Este estudo objetivou avaliar o conhecimento acerca da alimentação saudável e consumo de suplementos alimentares por praticantes de treinamento funcional de uma academia da cidade de Bocaiúva, Minas Gerais. Foi utilizado um questionário para a coleta de dados com perguntas sobre aspectos sociodemográficos e econômicos, hábitos de vida e a avaliação dos hábitos alimentares saudáveis e uso de suplementos alimentares. Foram avaliados 41 indivíduos, sendo eles 68,3% mulheres e 31,7% homens, com idade entre 18 e 59 anos. Destes, 95,1% relataram praticar outras modalidades esportivas além do treinamento funcional. 36,6% responderam ter conhecimento “muito bom” sobre a alimentação saudável. Sobre qual macronutriente deve ter maior consumo diário 17,1% responderam carboidratos, e por sua vez, 89,9% citaram proteínas. 9,8% são usuários de suplementos dietéticos, sendo o treinador a fonte principal de indicação (50%). Os alimentos protéicos e os repositores energéticos são os tipos de suplementos mais consumidos (75%), seguidos dos alimentos compensadores (50%). Em relação ao conhecimento acerca de suplementos, 53,7% afirmaram não possuir. Observou-se que a maioria das pessoas possui conhecimento suficiente sobre alimentação saudável e pouco conhecimento sobre a utilização de suplementos alimentares. Porém, o consumo exacerbado de proteínas por parte dos atletas demonstra carência de orientações nutricionais adequadas. ABSTRACT Knowledge about healthy food and consumption of food supplements by functional training practiceThis study aimed to evaluate the knowledge about healthy eating and consumption of dietary supplements by practitioners of functional training at an academy in the city of Bocaiúva, Minas Gerais. A questionnaire was used to collect data with questions about sociodemographic and economic aspects, life habits and the evaluation of healthy eating habits and use of dietary supplements. Thirty-one individuals were evaluated, being 68.3% female and 31,7% male, aged between 18 and 59 years. Of these, 95,1% of the participants reported practicing other sports as well as functional training. 36,6% reported having "very good" knowledge about healthy eating. About which macronutrient should have higher daily consumption 17,1% answered carbohydrates, and in turn, 89,9% cited proteins. 9,8% are users of dietary supplements, the coach being the main source of indication (50%). Protein foods and energy replenishers are the most consumed types of supplements (75%), followed by compensating foods (50%). Regarding knowledge about supplements, 53,7% said they did not have any. It has been observed that most people have sufficient knowledge about healthy eating and little knowledge about the use of dietary supplements. However, the exacerbated consumption of proteins by the athletes demonstrates lack of adequate nutritional guidelines.

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