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Resumen de Relação entre consumo alimentar, exercício físico e dismenorreia primária em mulheres de 18 à 40 anos em Belém-PA

Arianny Nazaré Ribeiro dos Santos, Brenda Caroline Duarte Tavares, Luanna Caroline Gomes Fonseca, Tayana Vago de Miranda

  • português

    Introdução: A dismenorreia primária é uma das principais queixas entre 50 a 90% das mulheres, estando geralmente acompanhada por outros sintomas que comprometem suas atividades diárias. Devido a alimentação e o exercício físico contribuírem para inúmeros benefícios, como a diminuição de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, é importante verificar se o consumo alimentar e atividade física beneficiam na melhora do quadro. Objetivo: Analisar a relação entre consumo alimentar, prática de exercício físico e dismenorreia primária. Materiais e Métodos: Foram avaliadas 50 voluntárias, sendo 25 do grupo controle com mulheres sedentárias e 25 praticantes de exercício físico. Foi aplicado questionário com perguntas relacionadas ao consumo alimentar e exercício físico. Para verificar a intensidade da cólica menstrual foi utilizado a Escala Visual Analógica da Dor (EVA) de acordo com Collins e colaboradores (1997). Discussão: As mulheres que praticavam exercício físico apresentaram uma menor intensidade na cólica menstrual quando comparadas as sedentárias. Em relação ao consumo alimentar das entrevistadas, houve maior prevalência por alimentos doces (chocolate), tanto as sedentárias como praticantes de exercício físico. Resultados: Pode-se observar que 88% das praticantes de exercício físico relataram sentir a intensidade da cólica entre leve e moderada, e das mulheres sedentárias, 92% relataram sentir a intensidade de moderada a intensa. 80% das mulheres entrevistadas de ambos os grupos relataram preferência por alimentos doces, sendo este o chocolate. Não foram observadas correlações significativas entre as variáveis. Conclusão: A prática regular de exercício físico e uma alimentação balanceada, são estratégias positivas para amenizar os sintomas inerentes a dismenorréia primaria. ABSTRACT Relationship between food consumption, physical exercise and primary dismenorrhea in women aged 18 to 40 years in Belém-PAIntroduction: Primary dysmenorrhea is one of the main complaints among 50 to 90% of the women, being usually accompanied by other symptoms that compromise their daily activities. Because diet and physical exercise contribute to a number of benefits, such as the reduction of chronic non-communicable diseases, it is important to check whether food consumption and physical activity benefit in improving the picture. Objective: To analyze the relationship between dietary intake, physical exercise and primary dysmenorrhoea. Materials and Methods: Fifty volunteers were evaluated, 25 of the control group with sedentary women and 25 physical exercise practitioners. A questionnaire was applied with questions related to food consumption and exercise. To verify the intensity of menstrual cramps, the Visual Analog Pain Scale (EVA) was used according to Collins et al. (1997). Discussion: Women who practiced physical exercise had a lower intensity in menstrual colic when compared to sedentary women. Regarding the food consumption of the interviewees, there was a higher prevalence for sweet foods (chocolate), both sedentary and physical exercise. Results: It can be observed that 88% of the physical exercise practitioners reported feeling the intensity of the colic between mild and moderate, and of the sedentary women, 92% reported feeling the intensity of moderate to intense. 80% of the women interviewed in both groups reported preference for sweet foods, this being chocolate. There were no significant correlations between the variables. Conclusion: The regular practice of physical exercise and a balanced diet are positive strategies to ameliorate the symptoms inherent to primary dysmenorrhea.

  • English

    Introduction: Primary dysmenorrhea is one of the main complaints among 50 to 90% of the women, being usually accompanied by other symptoms that compromise their daily activities. Because diet and physical exercise contribute to a number of benefits, such as the reduction of chronic non-communicable diseases, it is important to check whether food consumption and physical activity benefit in improving the picture. Objective: To analyze the relationship between dietary intake, physical exercise and primary dysmenorrhoea. Materials and Methods: Fifty volunteers were evaluated, 25 of the control group with sedentary women and 25 physical exercise practitioners. A questionnaire was applied with questions related to food consumption and exercise. To verify the intensity of menstrual cramps, the Visual Analog Pain Scale (EVA) was used according to Collins et al. (1997). Discussion: Women who practiced physical exercise had a lower intensity in menstrual colic when compared to sedentary women. Regarding the food consumption of the interviewees, there was a higher prevalence for sweet foods (chocolate), both sedentary and physical exercise. Results: It can be observed that 88% of the physical exercise practitioners reported feeling the intensity of the colic between mild and moderate, and of the sedentary women, 92% reported feeling the intensity of moderate to intense. 80% of the women interviewed in both groups reported preference for sweet foods, this being chocolate. There were no significant correlations between the variables. Conclusion: The regular practice of physical exercise and a balanced diet are positive strategies to ameliorate the symptoms inherent to primary dysmenorrhea.

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