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Resumen de Efeitos de um programa periodizado de futsal na aptidão física de estudantes femininas de 13 e 14 anos de idade

Fabio Baccin Fiorante, Idico Luis Pellegrinoti

  • English

    Physical fitness is characterized as a condition in which the individual possesses enough energy and vitality to perform daily tasks and participate in recreational activities without fatigue, and presents some components such as cardiorespiratory endurance and skeletal muscle fitness that are measurable. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects on the physical fitness of female students of full-time school from a periodic futsal program. The population was composed of 13 and 14 year-old female students divided into a control group and intervention group of two full-time school units in the city of Piracicaba-SP and were evaluated through neuromuscular tests according to PROESP (2016): a) sit and reach; b) abdominal resistance; c) horizontal jump; d) throttle of medicinebol; d) square; e) run of 20 meters; and jogging / walking for 6 minutes. The groups participated in 18 weeks of activities and were evaluated in the 1st and 18th week, and the control group did not have a periodized program and intervention group participated in a periodized program in the electives of these school units. At the end of this study, the intervention group showed a significant difference (p <0.05) in abdominal resistance, square test and 6-minute walk / walk tests in relation to the control group. Thus, it is concluded that this work proposal presented significant results and that periodized futsal work brought benefits in the physical fitness of adolescents 13 and 14 years of age participating in this program.

  • português

    A aptidão física caracteriza-se como uma condição no qual o indivíduo possui energia e vitalidade suficiente para realizar as tarefas diárias e participar de atividades recreativas sem fadiga, e apresenta alguns componentes como a resistência cardiorrespiratória e a aptidão músculo esquelética que são mensuráveis. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os efeitos na aptidão física de estudantes femininas de escola de tempo integral a partir de um programa periodizado de futsal. A população foi formada por estudantes femininas de 13 e 14 anos divididas em grupo controle e grupo intervenção de duas unidades escolares de tempo integral da cidade de Piracicaba-SP e foram avaliadas através de testes neuromusculares de acordo com o PROESP (2016): a) sentar e alcançar; b) resistência abdominal ; c) salto horizontal; d) arremesso do medicinebol; d) quadrado; e) corrida de 20 metros; e corrida/caminhada  de 6 minutos. Os grupos participaram de 18 semanas de atividades e foram avaliados na 1ª e 18ª semana, sendo que o grupo controle não teve um programa periodizado e grupo intervenção participou de um programa periodizado nas eletivas destas unidades escolares. Ao final deste estudo verificou-se que o grupo intervenção apresentou uma diferença significativa (p<0,05) nos testes de resistência abdominal, teste do quadrado e corrida/caminhada de 6 minutos em relação ao grupo controle. Assim, conclui-se que esta proposta de trabalho apresentou resultados expressivos e que um trabalho periodizado de futsal trouxe benefícios na aptidão física das adolescentes de 13 e 14 anos de idade participantes deste programa. ABSTRACT Effects of a futsal periodized program on physical fitness of female students of 13 and 14 years of agePhysical fitness is characterized as a condition in which the individual possesses enough energy and vitality to perform daily tasks and participate in recreational activities without fatigue, and presents some components such as cardiorespiratory endurance and skeletal muscle fitness that are measurable. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects on the physical fitness of female students of full-time school from a periodic futsal program. The population was composed of 13 and 14 year-old female students divided into a control group and intervention group of two full-time school units in the city of Piracicaba-SP and were evaluated through neuromuscular tests according to PROESP (2016): a) sit and reach; b) abdominal resistance; c) horizontal jump; d) throttle of medicinebol; d) square; e) run of 20 meters; and jogging / walking for 6 minutes. The groups participated in 18 weeks of activities and were evaluated in the 1st and 18th week, and the control group did not have a periodized program and intervention group participated in a periodized program in the electives of these school units. At the end of this study, the intervention group showed a significant difference (p <0.05) in abdominal resistance, square test and 6-minute walk / walk tests in relation to the control group. Thus, it is concluded that this work proposal presented significant results and that periodized futsal work brought benefits in the physical fitness of adolescents 13 and 14 years of age participating in this program.

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