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Resumen de Los objetos de aprendizaje en la enseñanza del vocabulario específico del inglés para la Conservación y Restauración

Carmen Río Rey

  • In the English course included in the degree in Art Conservation and Restoration at the University of La Laguna (Spain), the inexistence of commercial teaching resources suitable for this area and, more particularly, for the learning of specialized vocabulary, has become evident. As a result, as is often the case in the field of English for Specific Purposes, the lecturer has gradually created her own materials using information and communication technologies (ICT). The experience gained over the first three years of existence of the degree, during which the ICT materials supported the face-to-face teaching of highly heterogeneous groups, has led to the present research. Bearing in mind the previous experience, the teacher has designed a didactic proposal based on a collection of learning objects (i.e. discrete and reusable content units hosted on the Moodle virtual platform) and on a teaching methodology based on the principles of the flipped classroom. This study shows the main results of the evaluation of such a didactic proposal, which was implemented in the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015. In particular, the analysis aims to assess its effectiveness for the learning of specialized vocabulary, as well as the degree of satisfaction on the part of the students. The data suggest that the overall outcome has been positive in both respects.DOI: 10.20420/rlfe.2015.0015

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