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Barne-komunikazioa kooperatibetan: entzunak sentitzen dira langileak? Kasu-azterketa MONDRAGONen

    1. [1] HUHEZI
  • Localización: Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN 1130-5738, ISSN-e 3020-5115, Nº. 107, 2018, págs. 53-74
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Internal Communication in cooperatives: do employees feel heard? Case estudy in MONDRAGON
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Barne-komunikazioa erabakigarria da arrakastadun erakundeetan; izan ere, eragiten du, besteak beste, langileen motibazioan, parte-hartzean eta produktibitatean. Halere, kontuan izan behar dugu barne-komunikazioaren praktika eraginkorrak eskatzen duela informatzeaz gain, entzutea. Hain zuzen ere, artikulu honen helburua da jakitea entzunak sentitzen ote diren kooperatibetako langileak. Era berean, eta ezberdintasunik dagoen jakite aldera, pertzepzio horiek guztiak ikertu dira kontuan izanik honako aldagai hauek: organoetako partaide izan ala ez, eskulan mota, lan-egoera eta egoitza. Horretarako, MONDRAGONeko kooperatiba bateko 224 langilek betetako galdetegiaz gain, zortzi elkarrizketa erdi egituratu egin dira. Jasotako datuek aditzera ematen dutenaren arabera, langileen pertzepzio orokorra da gutxi entzunak direla haien kezkak eta itxaropenak. Halere, entzuna sentitzeko pertzepzioan ematen dira ezberdintasun estatistiko esanguratsuak hainbat aldagaitan.

    • English

      Internal communication is crucial in successful organizations; indeed, it affects employee motivation, participation, and productivity, among other things. Nevertheless, we must bear in mind that the effective practice of internal communication requires not only informing employees, but also listening to them. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine whether employees in cooperatives feel heard. Furthermore, in order to determine whether differences exist, all of these perceptions were examined taking the following variables into consideration: council membership, type of manual labor, work status, and place of work. In addition to a questionnaire completed by 224 employees of a MONDRAGON cooperative a total of 8 semi-structured interviews were also carried out. According to our results, the general perception of the employees is that their concerns and expectations are little heard. However, with respect to the perception of feeling heard, statistically significant differences were found in several variables.

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