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Resumen de An educational behaviour lifestyle-based program to prevent risk factors of type 2 diabetes among older adults

Jesús del Pozo Cruz, Juan Antonio Corral Pernía, Fátima Chacón Borrego, Rosa María Alfonso Rosa

  • Objective. To test the effectiveness of a 12-wk educational-based program on glycaemic control, body composition, functional capacity and health related quality of life among type 2 diabetes mellitus older patients. Methods. Twenty-three non-insulin dependent T2DM patients were include in this cuasi-experimental study. A pre-post study was performance. Outcomes including fasting blood glucose, body composition, functional capacity and health related quality of life were assessed at baseline and after 12-wk intervention. Results. After intervention, there was a reduction of fasting blood glucose, with an effect size of 0.50. Similarly, after intervention great values were found in BMI (p<0,05) and functional capacity (T6MWT and handgrip test). Health related quality of life was improved (physical functioning dimension with a statically significance <0.05). Conclusion. A 12-wk educational-based program could improve and management the disease, improving glycaemic profile, functional capacity, body composition and psychosocial status among T2DM patients.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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