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Resumen de Producción Científica del Movimiento Conductual en Revistas Peruanas Indexadas: Un Estudio Bibliointegrativo

Richard Jhunior Mejia Velarde, Giuliana Salazar Alvarez

  • español

    Mediante un estudio bibliointegrativo se describe la producción científica del movimiento conductual en el Perú. Se usó una lista de atributos hemerográficos que caracteriza la investigación a nivel genérico, temático, metodológico, muestral y documental. Se analizaron 110 artículos conductuales publicados entre el 2000 y 2017 en revistas peruanas indexadas. Se encontró predominancia cognitivo-conductual en la investigación empírica-tecnológica, e interconductual y skinneriana en la investigación teórica. Los diseños más utilizados fueron los no experimentales de tipo correlacional simple, usando estadística descriptiva e inferencial para la comprobación de hipótesis. Los estudios se realizaron solo en humanos, en distintos grupos etarios y empleando fundamentalmente muestreo no probabilístico. Los autores usan fuentes primarias, en su mayoría de origen español e inglés y con antigüedad promedio menor a 10 años. En conclusión, la investigación conductual comparte características de la investigación peruana en general: número limitado de publicaciones, concentrada en humanos y dirigida a contextos aplicativos.

  • English

    Through bibliointegrate study it described the production of behavioral movement in Peru. It used a list of hemerographic attributes that characterizes the research in general, thematic, methodological, sampling and documentary levels. 110 behavioral articles published between 2000 and 2018 in Peru indexed journals were analyzed. It found that cognitive behavioral dominance in empirical and technological research, and interbehavioral and skinnerian in theoretical research. The designs most used were non-experimental of simple correlational type, was using descriptive and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing. The studies were conducted only in humans, in different age groups and primarily using non-probability sampling. The authors used primary sources, mostly from spanish and english origin and average age not exceeding 10 years. In conclusion, behavioral research shares characteristics of Peruvian research in general: limited number of publications, focusing on human and aimed at applicative contexts.Through bibliointegrate study it described the production of behavioral movement in Peru. It used a list of hemerographic attributes that characterizes the research in general, thematic, methodological, sampling and documentary levels. 110 behavioral articles published between 2000 and 2018 in Peru indexed journals were analyzed. It found that cognitive behavioral dominance in empirical and technological research, and interbehavioral and skinnerian in theoretical research. The designs most used were non-experimental of simple correlational type, was using descriptive and inferential statistics for hypothesis testing. The studies were conducted only in humans, in different age groups and primarily using non-probability sampling. The authors used primary sources, mostly from spanish and english origin and average age not exceeding 10 years. In conclusion, behavioral research shares characteristics of Peruvian research in general: limited number of publications, focusing on human and aimed at applicative contexts.

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