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Resumen de Entre el Dictador i jo: Gedächtnis und Recht der Diktatur im heutigen Spanien

Alfons Aragoneses

  • Spain has recently commemorated the 30th anniversary of General Francisco Franco's death. On this occasion, a group of young filmmakers realized a series of short documentaries about the remembrance of the dictatorship in Spain. The author's reflections about this subject start with the description of one of these films which was shown on the Frankfurt Forum. He argues that the price of the political transition after the dictatorship had been oblivion of the democratic governments of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and the opposition against Franquism in the social, political and legal systems. For example, there are still law professionals and academics who do not accept the superiority of the constitution and the "Tribunal Constitucional". Another example is the continuous validity of certain legal provisions from the franquist past.

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