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Resumen de "Nicht Erinnern" und "Übles vergessen": zum Amnestiebegriff im klassischen Griechenland

Philipp Scheibelreiter

  • Theodor Mommsen based his theory, that already in classical Greece the "forgetting of past evil" was officially called amnestia, on Cicero's (Phil. 1,1,1) statement, that for this expression the Romans had to take a verbum Graecum. Analyzing the sources of Athenian amnesties in the 5th century B.C., we can see that either their legal consequences or the negative infinitive ou/me mnesikakein ("not remembering the evil") were used to denominate amnestia, and not the term as such, which, for the first time, appeared in Plutarch's work (mor. 814b; Cic. 42,3).

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