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Resumen de Il lavoro interinale in Europa a dieci anni dalla direttiva UE. Quale convergenza?

Alessandra Sartori

  • English

    Ten years after the EU direttive on temporary agency work was enacted, the author carries out a broad comparison to investigate the process of implementation and the impact on the relevant national legislations. After a thorough comparative analysis of temporary agency work regulation in selected European experiences (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, The Netberlands, The United Kingdom), the article focuses upon the two main axes underlying the directìve and resulting from the compromise that allowed its adoption: the principle of equal treatment and the review of the restrictions and prohibitions laid down in the law of Memher States. The research points out that for the time being the convergence brought about by the directive is still very limited also owing to the several derogations from both the aforementioned principles permitted to the EU Countries. So, the future degree of harmonisation of temporary agency work regulation appears to be in the hands of the European Court of justice, called to strike the right balance between the two cornerstones of the directive and the scope for derogations left to Member States.

  • italiano

    1. Premessa metodologica. - 2. Dal divieto di fornitura di manodopera alla disciplina europea. - 3. Sistemi liberalizzati versus sistemi regolamentati. I soggetti abilitati alla somministrazione. - 4. (Segue) Il contratto di fornitura di manodopera. - 5. (Segue) Il contratto di lavoro. - 6. (Segue) Le sanzioni. - 7. Il ruolo della contrattazione collettiva. - 8. L'impatto della direttiva sulle discipline nazionali. - 9. Un panorama ancora frastagliato

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