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Resumen de Lignicolous species of Helotiales associated with major vegetation types in the Canary Islands

Luis Jesús Quijada Fumero, Miguel Ribes, Rubén Negrín, Esperanza Beltrán-Tejera

  • A historical worldwide overview of the family Helotiaceae in a broad sense and a revision of its members in the Canary Islands are presented. Nine lignicolous species are described in detail (Ascocoryne cylichnium, A. sarcoides, Chlorociboria aeruginascens, Cyathicula cyathoidea, C. hysterioides, Durella connivens, Pseudohelotium sordidulum, Strossmayeria basitricha and Velutarina rufoolivacea). The species of the genus Ascocoryne are revised and corrected. The genera Durella, Pseudohelotium and Velutarina are reported for first time for the Canary Islands, each with one species, as is Cyathicula hysterioides. Species considered closely related are briefly discussed.

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