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Resumen de Ethnolinguistic Vitality Perceptions and Language Revitalisation in Bashkortostan

Kutlay Yagmur, Sjaak Kroon

  • After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Russification process has mostly ended in the former Soviet Republics and in the present Russian Federation Republics. In some regions, strong mother tongue revitalisation efforts are witnessed. In this article, the relationship between ethnolinguistic vitality perceptions and the language revitalisation process of Bashkortostan is examined. The theoretical framework of the study is based on Giles et al.'s (1977) ethnolinguistic vitality theory and Edwards' (1992) typology of minority language situation. In line with these, the ethnolinguistic vitality questionnaire was administered to 250 Bashkir informants. Regardless of their background, rural or urban, Bashkir informants perceived Russian and Bashkir vitality similarly. Contrary to expectations, Bashkir vitality was found to be high. In parallel, in interviews with key informants (educational experts and policy makers), a strong language revitalisation movement was observed.

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