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Resumen de Energy cost of the onshore transport of postlarvae of the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus

Alí Francisco Espinosa Magaña, Patricia Briones Fourzán, Andrew Jeffs, Enrique Lozano Álvarez

  • Recent studies suggest that energy reserves play a crucial role in the recruitment of postlarval spiny lobsters. After a protracted pelagic larval phase that develops in oceanic waters, the final stage phyllosoma larva metamorphoses into a non-feeding postlarva (puerulus) that actively swims shoreward to settle in shallow coastal habitats and does not resume feeding until after the molt into juvenile. We examined the content of total protein (TP), total lipid (TL), and lipid classes in five developmental stages of the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (Latreille, 1804), involved in the transition from pelagic to benthic life: final stage phyllosomata, nektonic pueruli, transparent benthic pueruli (newly settled), pigmented pueruli, and first-instar juveniles; collected in autumn 2012 and spring 2013. TL decreased progressively with development, from 26% of dry weight in phyllosomata to 7% in juveniles in autumn (a 73% decrease), and from 25% to 6% in spring (a 76% decrease). In all stages, phospholipid accounted for approximately 80%–87% of TL. TP was higher in all three pueruli substages than in phyllosomata and juveniles. Although season did not significantly affect either TL or TP content, the decline in TL between final phyllosomata and nektonic pueruli was greater in autumn, suggesting a greater energy cost of metamorphosis at warmer temperatures, whereas the decline in TL between nektonic and transparent benthic pueruli was more marked in spring, when the Yucatán Current is stronger, potentially increasing the energy cost of shoreward swimming. These findings may partially explain the interannual seasonal settlement patterns observed in this species.

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