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Resumen de Into the immensity of otherness. The philosophy of between and the body of the architectural uncertainty

Magdalini Grigoriadou, Efi Giannopoulou

  • The human being, attempting to find certainties and escape from the existential abyss, separates the world into antonyms. Over and above the binary logic, the paper approximates how the philosophy of between contrives the architecture of interstitial thought, and how this architectural approach reshapes the limits of Humanities. This retroactive disciplinary movement appears mediated by the body and corporeal images, as the projective metaphors evoke the reality and become part of it. A variety of philosophical notions, considered as interdisciplinary thinking tools, is used to approach the architectural uncertainty: transindividuality emerges as an operation at a suprastant level for a dynamic association of otherness; the deleuzian fold prioritizes relation, than dualities, and promotes serendipity states: a sense of epiphany and an impression of unforced creative process where things occur naturally. As life and architecture draw the lines in-between dipoles, in the contemporary liquid era of the fuzzy limits, the interstitial space is of principal concern.

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