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Resumen de Prologue

Alta Hooker

  • español

    La primera década del siglo veintiuno, que culmina este mes de diciembre del 2009, ha sido para los pueblos indígenas, afrodescendientes y mestizos, un tiempo signado por amenazas y esperanzas, la permanente dualidad en la construcción del buen vivir. El vivir bien implica trabajar por la afirmación de la identidad, la revitalización de las lenguas, construir desde la cosmovisión y trascendencia de los pueblos. Significa también, que busquemos vivir en hermandad y armonía, construyendo con nuestras mentes y nuestras manos el proyecto de una sociedad y una humanidad en plenitud. En el umbral del año 2010, donde nuestra prioridad será la articulación institucional, me place invitar a nuestras lectoras y lectores a valorar estas investigaciones de URACCAN, en los diversos compromisos asumidos para hacer realidad los postulados de la Autonomía y el Desarrollo con Identidad.

  • English

    The URACCAN University, in this edition, contributes to the debate and enrichment of development with identity by sharing nine technical articles organized into four themes: 1) Linguistic and cultural revitalization; 2) Education; 3) Indigenous and Afro-descendant culture; 4) Autonomy. One of the characteristics of multiculturality in the Autonomous Regions of the Caribbean Coast is the plurality of languages, which enriches the Nicaraguan culture and the identity of the indigenous and afro-descendant peoples. The process of revitalization of the Garífuna language and culture through education is one of the priorities of the Institute for Promotion, Linguistic Research and Cultural Revitalization (IPILC / URACCAN), which together with the Orinoco Educational Community and other Garífuna communities have achieved important advances in the revitalization of the Garífuna language. Applied methodologies and results achieved are presented in the initial article. Intercultural Bilingual Education, which articulates the mother tongue and the second language (Spanish) in schools of the ethnolinguistic Miskitu area, is analyzed from the perspective of the teaching methodology and its linguistic incidences, which constitutes a reference for the teaching staff of the North Atlantic Autonomous Region. In the subject of Education, four technical articles are presented. The educational processes promoted by URACCAN in the municipality of Waslala are systematized and the results of eight years of continuous work for teacher professional training are shown. In the following articles two central problems for the quality of education are studied: The educational processes in the extension of URACCAN in Waslala, Factors of incidence in the student abandonment; and in Las Minas campus learning styles and teaching approaches, Agroforestry Engineering major. Nueva Guinea University Campus, provides a work on audiovisual media used in teaching in Zootechnic Engineering Major. Culture, understood as the total way of life of a people, is the soul of good living, which manifests itself according to our beliefs, customs and traditions. Two studies carried out in Corn Island´s Kriol population and in the Miskitu indigenous from Kahkabila community, it bring us a closer understanding about the cultural expressions of these peoples. As an epilogue, an analysis of the Perception of Autonomy in the municipality of Nueva Guinea, which is characterized by its recent disclosure process through URACCAN University, it is presented, since this territory dates from the sixties of the past century, and its composition is predominantly mestizo.

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