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Resumen de Establishment and maintenance of an R6/1 transgenic mouse colony and validation of its progressive neurological phenotype to study Huntington’s disease

Lucia García Lara, Adriana Morales Martínez, Quetzalli D. Angeles López, Hilda Pedraza Espitia, Iván Pérez Nériz, Cesar A. Rodríguez Balderas, Francisca Pérez Severiano

  • Huntington’s disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the basal ganglia and has no cure.

    The mutation is located at an abnormal expansion of the CAG triplet in the Huntingtin gene. Humans show psychiatric, behavioural and motor disorders.

    Transgenic animal models are essential to the study of HD since the disease only affects humans. Therefore, the aim of this article was to describe the formation and maintenance of and to validate the progressive neurological phenotype of an R6/1 transgenic mouse colony. To achieve our objective, the colony founder was imported from Jackson Laboratories, and the mice were kept under controlled environmental conditions. The animals were bred at the vivarium of the Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez. The R6/1 transgenic mice were successfully bred and showed genetic and phenotypic characteristics similar to the ones previously reported. Our colony is currently established and validated with the conditions of our vivarium and has produced more than four generations of R6/1 mice. The establishment of the R6/1 colony and its maintenance through generation is an advantage since it allows us to follow the authenticity of the transgenic mice regarding their phenotypic and motor behaviours. Furthermore, these animals can be compared with other transgenic mice that reproduce some of the main characteristics of the disease manifested in humans, making these transgenic R6/1 mice a useful tool for the study of HD

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