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Resumen de Valoración de abonos orgánicos en el crecimiento de plantas de geranio y belén

Elena Huerta Muñoz, Javier Cruz Hernández

  • español

    The handling and processing of cattle manure produced in rural backyards by composting and vermicomposting techniques represents a suitable alternative to elaborate organic fertilizers. However, before these products are used or recommended is necessary to run some tests to assure their safe and adequate use as a growing medium or as a growing medium component for plants full development. The effects of two manure composts (bovine compost, ovine compost), a bovine lombricompost, and an organic commercial brand, were evaluated as substrates for the growth and production of geraniums and impatiens seedlings, both species have an important presence as ornamental plants in backyards. All fertilizers were applied at 75, 50 and 25% proportions; forest topsoil was used as control. The number of functional leaves, stem length, stem diameter, radicular growth, flowering and dry biomass were the variables evaluated using a general linear model (GLM) and the Tukey test (p<0.05) when statistical differences were found. The results show that, in general, lombricompost treatments are very suitable to vegetative growth, number of leaves in geranium, radicular growth, flowering in both species development, while the commercial and the bovine compost produced a negative effect in both growth and flowering when 50% or higher doses were applied, with the most negative effect in impatiens seedlings.

  • español

    El procesamiento de estiércoles representa una alternativa viable para elaborar abonos orgánicos, no obstante, es necesario comprobar que son adecuados para el buen desarrollo de especies cultivadas. Se valoró el efecto de cuatro abonos orgánicos, uno comercial, dos compost y un lombricompost derivados de estiércol vacuno y ovino, aplicados proporciones de 75, 50 y 25 %, en el crecimiento y producción de plantas de geranio y belén. Se midió número de hojas, diámetro y longitud del tallo, crecimiento radicular, floración y materia seca, según la especie. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante un Modelo Lineal General (GLM) y prueba de comparación de medias de Tukey (p<0.05). Se encontró que, en general, los tratamientos con lombricompost de estiércol vacuno, resultaron muy favorables para el desarrollo de ambas especies, por el contrario, el abono comercial y el compost de estiércol vacuno a dosis superiores al 50 % generaron efectos negativos.

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