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Resumen de An interview with Cécile Oumhani: the Arab Spring

Isabel Esther González Alarcón

  • español

    Las revoluciones en el mundo árabe de 2010 y 2011, denominadas por distintos medios como la Primavera árabe componen una serie de alzamientos populares en los países del norte de África. Son unas revueltas sin precedentes ya que si bien ha habido con anterioridad numerosos movimientos de protesta éstos se habían caracterizado por nacer de golpes de Estado militares que daban paso a gobiernos autoritarios con o sin apoyo popular. Sin embargo las sublevaciones populares de ahora han salido a la calle a pedir una instauración de la democracia así como una mejora de las condiciones de vida. La escritora Cécile Oumhani, desde la retaguardia, lucha y da voz a aquellos que no pueden expresarse. En estos momentos se halla en pleno combate por la liberación del pueblo árabe y hemos de agradecerle enormemente que nos haya dedicado su tiempo y estas palabras.

  • English

    The revolutions in the Arab world from 2010 and 2011 known by varying media as the “Arab Spring” was made up of a series of popular uprisings in countries in North Africa. They are unprecedented revolts. Before, there had been numerous protests, these were characterized because they arose from military coups which were followed by the establishment of authoritarian governments, with or without popular support. However the popular uprisings happening now have come out onto the street to demand the establishment of democracy as well as a improvement in living conditions. The writer Cécile Oumhani, has always fought and spoken for those who could not express themselves. She has been there, at those moments, right in the middle of combat, for the liberation of the Arab people and we are very grateful to her for dedicating her time and thoughts.

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