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Resumen de Strategie persuasive in rete. Note per un’analisi semiotica della “rivoluzione Twitter” in Iran come media event

Andrea Picciuolo

  • English

    The article presents a semiological analysis of some images made by enthusiasts shared on social networks in a case of regime change: the so-called "Revolution of the Twitter "from Iran in 2009. The" Twitter Revolution "is perhaps a model canonical (and archetypal) conception of the semiotic use of social media in through the last decade. The article shows some examples to describe the semiological function assumed - in a certain semiosphere - by the images made by enthusiasts (and in institutions) in construction discourse of the agents in competition in the media arena during the regime change attempt.


  • italiano

    Il saggio offre un’analisi semiologica della funzione discorsiva e narrativa manifestata da alcuni elementi (con particolare riguardo a immagini e hashtags) del racconto mediatico degli eventi occorsi in Iran durante quella che nel 2009 fu appellata “rivoluzione Twitter”.

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