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Resumen de “A esperança e qualidade de vida dos doentes em cuidados paliativos”

Ana Isabel Fernandes Querido, María dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe

  • Ai m s :

    Identify the level of hope and quality of life (QO L ) of patients living with chronic advanced ill- ness; Determine relationship between hope and QO L in palliative patients;

    C orrelate hope, QO L, famil y structure and spiritual /religious beliefs.

    M et h o d:

    A C ross sectional co-relational study was conducted. The sample consisted of 132 pallia - tive care patients: 56,1% men, aged between 29-96 ( Mean=67,13;

    S D=12,02 ) . The instrument consist - ed in a structured interview composed of socio-demographic, famil y , professional and clinical data ;

    Herth Hope Index - 12 item instrument designed to measure hope; McGill QOL Questionnaire. W e applied it in palliative care units, day care and home care palliative patients, from S eptember 2009 t o F e b ruary 2010.

    R esu lt s :

    Patients evidenced good levels of hope ( mean=3,23;Min=1,44; M á x=4,0;

    S D=0,51 ) and QO L in al l d imensions ( Means between 5,44 and 8,42;

    S D between 1,93 and 2,92 ) . There is a positive correlatio n between QO L and hope revealed in all dimensions of both variables ( r between 0,431 and 0,678 ;

    p ≤ 0,01). Family structure is not statistically significant correlated with QO L or hope; neither are spiri - tual /religious beliefs.

    Discussion /C onclusion:

    In spite of their illness, palliative patients indicated good hope and QO L levels. This might be related to support they are given by palliative care teams and f amily.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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