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Resumen de Funcionamiento y discapacidad en pacientes valorados por fisioterapia. Popayán, diciembre de 2003.

Paola Vernaza Pinzón, Clara Inés Paz Peña

  • The population of the department of Cauca is exposed to physical disability due to political, social and economical development tendencies. This population attends Rehabilitation Centers with Physiotherapy services in order to recover their body motion. Objectives. To identify physical disability according to the function and disability international classification standards (CIDDM-2). Methods. A descriptive study was conducted among 400 patients who enter the Physiotherapy services in two hospitals of second and third level, respectively. Information was collected using an team-designed instrument, based on CIDDM-2. The data base was analyzed using the SPPS-10 statistical program. Results. Physical disability was more frequently found in patients between 26-60 years of age. The most altered functions were those related to joint motility and movement coordination. 41.5% of the founded disabilities were classified as “transitory-moderate”. Conclusion. This is the first study about physical disability based on CIDDM-2 in the Department of Cauca to improve on individual’s body function. The CIDDM-2 facilitated the physiotherapeutic diagnosis allowing to find new directions for movement promotion and for muscular-skeletal disorder prevention and rehabilitation.

Fundación Dialnet

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