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Resumen de Arrhenatheretalia elatioris uncritical checklist of Europe

Nikolay Velev

  • This paper presents a compilation of all syntaxa whenever related to the Arrhenatheretalia elatioris order at European level. Only those described according to the Braun-Blanquet approach are considered herein. The checklist consists of 15 alliances, 16 suballiances, 246 associations, 292 subassociations, 144 variants, 40 facies, and 36 plant communities without rank. The largest number of associations is encountered within the Arrhenatherion alliance – 93, followed by Cynosurion with 85 and Polygono-Trisetion with 25 associations.The most frequently mentioned associations in Europe are Pastinaco sativae-Arrhenatheretum elatioris (Arrhenatherion) cited for 22 countries and Lolio perennis-Cynosuretum cristati (Cynosurion) cited for 20 countries. The checklist was compiled with the aim of revealing some of the existing syntaxonomical problems within the Arrhenatheretalia order. The numerous associations of some alliances suggest a suspiciously high syntaxonomical diversity. The current checklist offers a simple overview, but does not suggest a new classification system, nor any syntaxonomical revision. It could be used primarily as a starting point for any future large-scale analyses.

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