Neste traballo damos conta dunha iniciativa de ApS desenvolvida durante o curso 2016-2017 na materia Educación Matemática I do Grao en Educación Primaria. Por unha banda, preténdese complementar a formación académica coa posta en práctica dos contidos nun contexto real. Asemade, a iniciativa tenta manter a titulación adaptada ás demandas da sociedade actual. Por outra banda, o servizo pretende paliar a situación de varios colectivos que actualmente non teñen garantida a igualdade de oportunidades. Con este dobre obxectivo desenvolvéronse actividades relacionadas coas matemáticas.
Os colectivos receptores foron os/as cativos/as de 6 a 12 anos en risco de exclusión social, en colaboración coas entidades Equus Zebra, Músicos por la Paz, e a ONG Mestura; e cativos/as con diversidade funcional cognitiva, a través de Asociación Down-Coruña e Irmás Hospitalarias Centro PAIMENNI. En canto aos resultados, dende o punto de vista académico consideramos que os estudantes efectivamente melloraron a súa formación e capacitación profesional. Aplicaron os seus coñecementos teóricos nun contexto real de educación non regrada e adaptáronse as necesidades específicas de cada grupo destinatario. A nivel social, as entidades avaliaron positivamente a experiencia.
In this work we expose a Service-Learning activity that was developed in the academic year 2016-2017 in the subject Mathematics Education I of the Primary Education Degree. On one hand, it was aimed to uplift the academic instruction with practice in a real context. In addition, the initiative tries to keep the degree adjusted to the current social demands. On the other hand, the service is aimed to improve the situation of certain communities for which, at present, the equality of opportunities is not guaranteed.
With this double objective, activities related with mathematics were developed. The recipient communities were children aged between 6 and 12 in risk of social exclusion, in collaboration with the entities Equus Zebra, Músicos por la Paz, and ONG Mestura; and children with cognitive functional diversity, thorough Asociación Down-Coruña and Irmás Hospitalarias Centro PAIMENNI. As far as the results are concerned, from an academic point of view, we consider that the students actually improved their instruction and professional capability. They applied their theoretical knowledge in a real context of non-regulated education, and adapted their actions to the specific necessities of each recipient group.
From a social perspective, the experience was positively assessed by the entities.
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