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Resumen de Correlación entre la forma de la razón espectral H/V con la estratigrafía del subsuelo en 10 sitios de estudio

Víctor Schmidt Díaz

  • español

    Es posible que al aplicar la técnica de la razón espectral H/V para vibraciones ambientales no se logren identificar picos bien definidos que se asocien a contrastes significativos entre el suelo y el basamento. Sin embargo, la forma de este gráfico puede aportar otra información valiosa sobre distintas características del perfil de suelo como: inclinación del basamento, inversión de velocidades de onda cortante (Vs) entre estratos sucesivos de suelo, homogeneidad de los materiales, etc. Esta investigación pretende correlacionar las formas de los gráficos H/V con información geofísica disponible en 10 sitios debidamente caracterizados, tomando en cuenta conclusiones a las que han llegado otros autores como Bonnefoy-Claudet et al. (2009) y Leyton et al. (2013).

  • English

    Once the horizontal to vertical technique is applied to ambient vibrations, it is possible that peaks are not well identified. These peaks are usually associated to significant contrasts between soil and bedrock, and this condition may not be presented in all sites. However, the shape of graphics could give additional valuable information about specific characteristics of the soil profile, such as: slope of the bedrock, inversion of shear velocities between successive soil layers, homogeneity of materials, etc. This research intends to correlate the shape of the H/V graphics with the available geophysical information for 10 previously characterized sites. Similar studies proposed by other authors are considered. Ambient vibrations were registered using a triaxial seismograph. The ratio of the averaged horizontal to vertical spectra were obtained. These plots were related to the site stratigraphy and four cases were well identified: pointed peak, wide peak, double peak and flat graph.

    Keywords: H/V spectral ratio, soil, bedrock, amplification, surface waves

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