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Resumen de Diseño Preliminar de un Banco Didáctico/Experimental para el Estudio de Esfuerzos en Cadenas Cinemáticas Reconfigurables

Carlos Humberto Saucedo Zárate, Carlos Sánchez López, J. Huerta Ruelas

  • This preliminary design took place from the necessity of an experimentation stage on the elastic behavior of industrial robotic arms known as serial robots. This design is in an optimization stage, previous to prototype construction, which will be used as an experimental setup of kinematic chains to generalize results obtained with theoretical elastic modeling using finite element analysis and from experimental values of strain using extensiometry gages. Experimental design of vibration analysis and strain/deformation has been determined selecting technology of NI™ for the acquisition, signal conditioning and data processing. We present initial simulation results of a reconfigurable kinematics chain using finite element analysis, obtaining a recreation of its effortdeformation state. Finally some possibilities are discussed for the implementation of an external measurement system based on Laser light to validate simulation and theoretical model, that allows verify accurately the final position of the effector in the distorted chain. Applying theory of continuous media, two types of elastic deformations are proposed to characterize links and joints deformation which produce a position change that differs from position calculated with a rigid body model. Virtual models of the reconfigurable chain were made in computer software packages MechanicalDesktop™,

Fundación Dialnet

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