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Resumen de Near perfect path generation of corners chamfered rectangle and single synthesis cam-link mechanism to generate special-slot path

G. Ajith Kumar, G. Ganesan, M. Sekar

  • Optimal synthesis of adjustable four-bar linkage to generate corners chamfered rectangle (CCR) and fully chamfered rectangle (FCR) path is proposed. Precise and continuous path generation is veried using reconstructed adjustable parameter curve (RAPC) method which uses harmonic spacing of precision points on the CCR and FCR path proles. Single stage synthesis approach is proposed to convert two degrees of freedom (DOF) adjustable four-bar mechanism to one DOF using RAPC method. Simulation of motion of adjustable four-bar mechanism to generate special-slot path for uniform angular velocity is performed. Virtual prototype of specialslot path generating mechanism with one DOF is performed. Optimal dimensional synthesis of these mechanisms is done using hybrid optimization method combining genetic algorithm followed by pattern search of MATLAB optimization tools. Convergence of objective function during the hybrid optimization processes is veried. Results and conclusion prove that the RAPC method generates precise CCR and FCR paths, veries adjustable parameter value for rectangular path generation and converts two DOF adjustable fourbar mechanism to one DOF six-bar mechanism.

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