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Resumen de The fragility of you

V.S. Ramachandran

  • De Lange features V. S. Ramachandran's study of calendar synaesthesia. Case studies can help in revealing the blurry boundary between the self and the outside world. One of Ramachandran's most unusual cases is a man called David, who has Capgras syndrome. This is usually characterized by the belief that a loved one has been replaced by an impostor. David, though, believes himself to be the impostor. People's sense of self is also affected by those around them. For instance, when people with mirror-touch synaesthesia see someone else being touched it feels as though they are being touched in the same way. People who experience such dramatic differences in perception maybe rare, but they are all capable of distorting their sense of self A simple experiment can show how. Try looking at themselves in a double-reflecting mirror--two mirrors facing each other such that the second reflects the image in the first.

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