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Resumen de A minimaly redundant radix-4 divider with operands scaling

Luis Montalvo Lobo, Alain Guyot

  • The development and the combinational implementation of a new minimally redundant radix-4 division algorithtm, based on the Svoboda-Tung techniques, is presented. The new algorithm overcomes the drawbacks of the Svoboda-Tung methods that have prevented the VLSI implementation. First of all, the proposed algorithm is valid for radix-4 and next, it avoids the possible compensation due to overflow on the iteration by rewriting the two most significant digits of the remainder. This simplifies both the generation of the multiples of the divisor and the quotient digit selection function. The new minimally redundant radix-4 division is 30% faster than a recently published fast maximally redundant radix-4 division algorithm, and less area demanding, for wordlengths lesser than 24 bits. A 1.2 μm CMOS implementation of the new algortithm has been realised for a 16 bits word-length, it has a 1.07 mm2 area and the electrical simulation shows a 44.8 ns. overall delay.

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