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Resumen de Morfologia càrstica i vegetació a la serra de Tramuntana: una aproximació ecològica a la dinàmica de l'exocarst

Ángel Ginés Gracia

  • español

    Se estudian las relaciones existentes entre la morfología exokárstica y la cubierta vegetal en la Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca), describiéndose las principales características de las comunidades vegetales que pueblan los diversos hábitats resultantes de los procesos de karstificación: dolinas, entradas de cavidades, cañones, grandes depresiones kársticas y campos de lapiaz. Estos últimos concentran los principales objetivos de una investigación de carácter estadístico, efectuada sobre la base de más de 200 localidades, en la que se aborda la geoecología del lapiaz mediante dos aproximaciones complementarias que comportan diferentes métodos de muestre0 y de tratamiento de datos. Por una parte, se analiza la información que puede ofrecer, con relación al contexto bioclimático, una sola microforrna de características bien definidas: las estrías de lapiaz o Rillenkarren. Por otra parte, se emplean técnicas de análisis multifactorial a partir de una matriz de datos que integra información procedente de descriptores mixtos de lapiaz y vegetación. En ambas investigaciones el factor altitudinal y la dependencia del clima se ponen claramente de manifiesto. La asociación entre descriptores permite interpretar mejor el papel del sustrato geológico en la zonación de las comunidades vegetales, aportando información sobre la autoecología de ciertas especies relacionadas con el karst, muchas de ellas endémicas.

    (Resumen de la Tesis Doctoral titulada "Morfología kárstica y vegetación en la Serra de Tramuntana. Una aproximación ecológica").

  • English

    Exokarstic landforms are quite a common feature on the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range on Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). Because of this, the nature of the existing relationships between vegetation cover and karst geomorphology has been choosen as the subject for a detailed study.

    The starting point of this research was the description of the principal characteristics shown by the plant communities that are associated with specific karstic habitats, namely cave entrances, gorges, polje-like depressions, dolines and karrenfields. Because of their widespread occuience on the Serra de Tramuntana, as well as their environmental interest, karrenfields were selected so as to be able to carrv out various investiaations on and alons the topographic and climatic gradients of this limestóne range, from the peripheral coastal aieas to ihe summits of the highest mountains.

    The main geoecological aspects concerned with the development of karren features were analysed and more than 200 bare-karst locations were sampled with a view to using two complementar~ statistical approaches. On one hand, a detailed study on the morphometry of rillenkarren (small solution flutes) demonstrated that several significant environmental factors can be inferred through a careful understanding of the measurements obtained from such a single well-defined karren feature. On the other hand, the karren assemblages and plant species found on the karstic terrains of the Serra de Tramuntana were the subject of a multifactorial analysis, starting with a data array that both incorporates karren and botanical descriptors, in order to explain the environmental setting on the sierra that is involved in the characterization of its main karrenfield types.

    After processing the data, it was found that these quantitative approaches clearly emphasize altitudinal range and climatic gradients as the major determining factors of karren features and karrenfield types. Furthermore, the remarkably relationship found among several descriptors permits a better knowledge of the role played by the limestone ground on the altitudinal zonation of plant communities to be substantiatiated. Additional environmental information has been obtained about the autecology of various endemic species strongly associated with karst terrains.

    (Abstract of the Ph D thesis entitled: "Morfología kárstica y vegetación en la Serra de Tramuntana. Una aproximación ecológica".)

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