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Resumen de La estructura mediática de los colectivos sociales en América Latina: los casos de Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador y Bolivia

Julián Sanmartín Navarro, Andrea Michaele Avelino Sánchez, Carmen Estela Reyes del Valle, María José Cruz Sales

  • español

    La existencia de medios comunitarios, especialmente en el ámbito de la radio, es una larga tradición en América Latina y su aporte ha muy significativo, tanto para la democracia como formas de expresión de vastos sectores de la población de menores recursos. Sin embargo, esa realidad no siempre ha sido acompañada por un reconocimiento legal por parte de los estados como un sector con las mismas oportunidades que el de los medios públicos o privados. Sin embargo, es notorio que se ha producido un importante avance en el reconocimiento de los medios comunitarios en la región. En este texto destacamos la situación en Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador y Bolivia, cuyo impulso normativo lidera en el continente la democratización del acceso al espectro. 

  • English

    The existence of community media, especially in the field of radio, is a long tradition in Latin America and its contribution is very significant, both for democracy and forms of expression of vast sectors of the population with fewer resources. However, this reality has not always been accompanied by legal recognition by states as a sector with the same opportunities as public or private media. However, it is notorious that there has been a significant advance in the recognition of community media in the region. In this text we highlight the situation in Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia, whose normative impulse leads in the continent the democratization of spectrum access, although as we have proven its legislative and structural development has not yet been completed. In the search for this reality in this text we have tried an inductive approach to our object of study with the intention of finding those elements that best allow us to describe and analyze it. Given this premise, the research techniques that have been handled have been, essentially, the documentary analysis of diverse sources, among them the bibliographic and the hemerographic ones, and the direct personal conversation.

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