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Resumen de Noticia sobre la microfauna vertebrada holocénica de la grotta Su Guanu o Gonagosula: Oliena, Sardenya

Mario Sanges, Josep Antoni Alcover

  • In this paper the discovery of a very important fossiliferous deposit at Su Guanu or Gonagosula Cave (Oliena, prov. Nuoro. Sardinia) is presented. Rernains of a great nurnber of rnicrovertebrates (in fact more than 2,000 specimens) have been furnished by this deposit. All the vertebrate rnaterials are now under study. The chronology of the deposit can be placed around the second half of the IV rnilleniurn B.C. The cornposition of the fauna obtained allows us to establish a relative chronology of several faunistic events.

Fundación Dialnet

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