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Resumen de The acquisition of L3 English negation by bilingual (Spanish/Basque) learners in an institutional setting

Susana Perales Haya, María del Pilar García Mayo, Juana Muñoz Liceras

  • In this article we study the acquisition of sentential negation in English by bilingual (Spanish/Basque) learners in an institutional setting. The learners were divided into three groups according to the age at which they had begun to learn English (four, eight and eleven years respectively). At the time the oral interviews were held, they had all received a similar amount of instruction. The analysis is carried out in terms of the presence/absence of functional categories, the use of cognitive (not UG-driven) strategies, and the transfer of the order of the functional projections NegP and TP. We conclude that placement of the negative marker appears to be independent of the realization of tense and agreement features.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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