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Resumen de “The Crime Scene as Museum: The (Re)construction in the Bresciano Series of a Historical Gibraltarian Past”

John A. Stotesbury

  • The “Bresciano” series of seven historical detective novels (2010-2015) by Sam Benady and Mary Chiappe set in a period of four decades early in the British imperial history of Gibraltar from the 1780s to the 1820s provides an excellent opportunity not only for reconstructing a significant image of the historical past of the colony – and possibly also of its current status – but also for investigating a complex of critical approaches to such writing in terms of historical crime fiction, post-coloniality, and the wider ramifications of the function of cultural-historical “museumification” and its impact on the literary narrative. The present brief study should be regarded as an introductory discussion rather than a definitive analysis.

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