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Resumen de Recompte hivernal d'aus aquàtiques i limícoles a les Balears, gener 2012.

David García Jiménez, Manuel Suárez, Pere Vicens Siquier, Oliver Martínez, Xavier Méndez

  • A total of 31,176 birds were recorded of 68 espècies, a decrease of 13 % in number of individuals and 7 % in species compared with January 2011. the proportions per island were 73 % in Mallorca, 19.8 % in Menorca and 7.1 % in ibiza/Formentera. the results per island are compared with the 1991- 2011 mean. Anseriformes and charadriformes have undergone 11 % and 55 % decreases respectively over the last. in contrast, Podicipediformes and Phoenicopteriformes have increased.

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