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Resumen de Characteristics and meaning of the Candlelight Movement in Korea

Lee Sanghack

  • español

    De noviembre de 2016 a marzo de 2017, surgió un nuevo movimiento histórico en Corea. El movimiento , que se llama Candlelight Movement , no fué organizado por organizaciones, como O NG , sino por ciudadanos comunes, y finalmente or igi n ó que l a president a Park Geunhye fuera acusad a y arrestad a . Este movimiento tiene varias c aracterísticas diferentes de los movimientos precedentes que ocurrieron en Corea, ya que condujo a numerosos cambios, tales como reformas legislativas , y demostró que hay un gran potencial para la democracia social .

  • English

    From November 2016 to March 2017, a historical new movement arose in Korea.

    The movement which is called the Candlelight Movement was organized not by a certain organizations such as CSOs but by ordinary citizens themselves, and at last caused President Park Geunhye to be impeached and arrested. This movement has several different characterist ics from precedent movements that happened in Korea, as it already lead to many changes, such as legislative reforms and proved that there is a huge potential for social democracy.

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