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Resumen de Cervantes y Lope de Vega: Postrimerías de un duelo literario y una hipótesis

Helena Percas de Ponseti

  • This study examines Cervantes' subtle, ironic satire in Don Quijote Part II, aimed at three works of Lope de Vega: an auto, an entremés, and a play highly praised in Avellaneda's Don Quijote. Lope's entremés is satirized in the episode of Maese Pedro's "Retablo de Melisendra" (II, 26), in which the narrating trujamán is actually Cervantes' mouthpiece. My hypothesis is that three authors fathered the apocryphal Quijote printed in the Barcelona printing shop that Don Quijote and Sancho visited (II, 63). The puppet show reveals their identity by allusion and symbolic metaphor. They were Jerónimo de Pasamonte, Lope de Vega, and the man who paid for the edition: either the Conde de Lemos, or the publisher Sebastián de Cormellas himself.

Fundación Dialnet

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