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Resumen de Runoff study on real terrains using UAV photogrammetry and SPH modelling of fluids

Anxo Barreiro Aller, José Manuel Domínguez Alonso, Alejandro Jacobo Cabrera Crespo, Higinio González Jorge

  • Runoff problems due to intense rains can affect civil constructions causing instabilities in the terrain and even damages on structures.

    Two different technologies are merged to study this phenomenon, UAV photogrammetry (Unmanned Air Vehicle) and a CFD model (Computational Fluid Dynamics) based on SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics).

    UAV is used to obtain the topographic information about the area of study, and SPH technique is applied to study water trajectories in an extreme rain event. The use of engineering solutions to palliate flood events is also analysed.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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