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Resumen de Viele Orte überall: Care-Logik in alternativen Projekten und Potentiale von Gegenmacht

Christa Wichterich

  • The logic of care is supposed to be a basicfeminist feature of economic and socioecological transformation striving for degrowth. The essay explores the transformative potential of caring and commoning in alternative projects in the area of community agriculture, urban gardening and health. The four solidarity based projects are self-organised experiments for collective agency, which develop caring practices towards nature and human beings, and aim at a countertopography of non-capitalist, anti-neoliberal practices and policiesfrom below. Though they make a beginning in this direction, their transformative impact on the society is still limited by unintended mechanisms of social (or racist) exclusion or by an appropriation by the municipality or the state.

Fundación Dialnet

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