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Resumen de Weaving citizenship with the threads of global education. Research on the concept of citizenship education and social transformation

Guillermo Aguado

  • Central to this research will be to build the concept of CE & ST being shared and agreed upon by the Network members. Hence, the research team designed several workshops and activities, with the aim of boosting, interpreting and validating the contributions and reflections of each one of the organisations participating in the research, focusing on their interest in delving deeper into and refining a common definition.

    In this process, progress was made in defining the essential and common elements of CE & ST, among which it is worth highlighting those relating to the approach, methods and attitudes involved. With regards to the approaches employed, those worth highlighting include Gender, Rights, power relationships and the 'glocal' approach.

    With regards to the methods used, the ones worth highlighting are Interculturality, Action‐Reflection‐Action, Cooperation and Group Processes; Communication and Dialogue; and Active and Critical Participation. With regards to attitudes and values, it is worth noting the priority given to the changes in personal attitudes as the basis on which to improve educational practices. Some of these include respect and thoughtfulness; breaking away from attitudes that lead one to feel like a victim; raising awareness; a collaborative spirit; coherence, etc. During the research, the organisations debated and questioned various aspects so as to begin refining their definition of CE & ST. They proposed debates at both concept and methodological‐ practical levels (in terms of management and operations).

    In this article, we wish to share the findings, the guiding principles of this process and some notes on methods of this research with the educational community.

Fundación Dialnet

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