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Resumen de Applying Le Châtelier’s Principle To Model Strong Acid–Strong Base Titration

Philippe H. Mercier

  • Le Châtelier’s principle is used as a basis to derive an expression to calculate solution pH during titrations that involve only strong acids and strong bases. Central to this model are the reaction quotient and a re-equilibration term that represents the extent of neutralization during a titration. Unlike the method traditionally taught to students to determine the pH of these acid–base mixtures, the expression obtained is exact and applies throughout the entire range of a titration curve without the need for modification or segmentation. The expression is the same as one that is obtainable using charge balance; however, the present derivation applies Le Châtelier’s principle instead, and therefore remains within the scope of a general chemistry curriculum. Instructors are then able to reinforce and deepen understanding of previously learned concepts in acid–base chemistry while connecting them to chemical equilibrium and titration curves.

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