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Resumen de Sulla distribuzione di Neostyriaca corynodes (Held, 1836) in Italia: (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)

Cesare Dalfreddo, Maria Manuela Giovannelli, Marco Bodon, Simone Cianfanelli

  • italiano

    In questo contributo vengono studiate le popolazioni italiane della specie Neostyriaca corynodes, raro clausilide finora poco noto per il versante meridionale delle Alpi. Viene descritta la conchiglia e l’anatomia, con alcune note sull’ecologia e sulla distribuzione della specie in Europa e in Italia. Infine, viene verificato lo stato tassonomico delle popolazioni italiane e vengono esaminate e discusse le segnalazioni di letteratura e quelle delle collezioni storiche

  • English

    Neostyriaca corynodes (Held, 1836) is a European clausilid species with disjunct distribution between France, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany and Italy. In Italy, it is rare, and scattered populations only occur in a few stations on the southern slopes of the Alps, Pre Alps near Bergamo and the Dolomites near Belluno (Mt. Coppolo and Vette Feltrine). These populations are probably relicts from the last ice age of the Quaternary, which caused fragmentation of a then wider distribution. The shell and the genital system of these populations are described with notes on ecology. N. corynodes is exclusive to mountain environments where it is found between 1050 and 2025 metres. It shows a marked preference for wet areas with a grass or moss carpet over limestone substrate, especially stratified limestone outcrops with eastern or western aspect in valleys orientated N-S, and it is also found on the underside of rocks. The different European populations of the species represent six different morphs having the status of subspecies. The paper concludes with discussion of the taxonomic status of the Italian populations, and notes on the literature and historical collections.

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