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Resumen de Aprendizagem colaborativa docente: fatores facilitadores e inibidores no contexto escolar

Ana Maria Costa e Silva, Rosalinda Herdeiro, Sílvia Cunha

  • English

    Teacher professional performance is very important, as it concerns questions related to the improvement of the educational system and school success. In this sense, it is important to initiate the continuing learning of teachers and the creation of opportunities for professional learning in their working context by means of collaborative learning and the strengthening of relationships, knowledge and competencies. In the study carried out using a qualitative methodology nine interviews were conducted with teachers and members of the directorate of a group of schools in the north of Portugal, which later on were subjected to content analysis. The results of this analysis revealed that there were initiatives that facilitated collaborative learning and also factors that made it difficult for its development in the school context.

  • português

    O desempenho profissional docente tem grande relevância no que concerne a questões relativas à melhoria do sistema educativo e do sucesso escolar. Neste sentido, é importante a aprendizagem contínua dos professores e a criação de oportunidades de aprendizagem profissional em contexto de trabalho sob abordagem colaborativa, potenciando relações, conhecimentos e competências. No estudo realizado foram aplicadas nove entrevistas a professores e elementos da direção de um agrupamento de escolas do norte de Portugal, que posteriormente foram sujeitas a análise de conteúdo.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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