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Resumen de Gazteen lonjen fenomenoa. Bermeon eginiko kasu-azterketa

Yaiza Fariñas Garzia, Monike Gezuraga Amundarain

  • English

    This paper focuses on the case study around self-organized youth spaces carried out in the town of Bermeo; the main objective of this work is to acknowledge both socio-educational practices and the development of young people aged between 15 and 30 years old. This research was conducted in 2015, specifically from February till October. During the process, we have used various techniques for gathering information, including the analysis of the collected documentation; interviews and communicative groups, which have provided the opportunity to collect the voices of the agents involved in the Bermeo self-organized youth spaces. This research has led us to establish certain theoretical bases that depart from the youth socialization and the importance of the educating society up to the task of these in the area of these spaces. Through presenting the case study conducted in Bermeo we will demonstrate the acquired results, finally enabling us to draw the main conclusions obtained.

  • euskara

    Lan hau Bermeoko udalerrian egindako gazteen lokalei buruzko kasu-azterketan oinarritzen da. 15-30 urte bitarteko gazteen lokaletan egiten ari diren praktika sozio-hezitzaileak zein gazte horien hazkundea ezagutzea izan da helburu nagusia. Azterketa hau 2015. urtean garatu zen, otsailetik urrira doazen hilabeteetan. Prozesuan zehar, informazioa eskuratzeko zenbait teknika erabili dira: analisi dokumentala, elkarrizketak eta talde komunikatiboa, hain zuzen ere. Horiek Bermeoko gazteen lokaletan inplikatuta dauden eragileen ahotsak jasotzea ahalbidetu dute. Azterketa honek alderdi teoriko batzuk zehaztera eraman gaitu, gazteen sozializaziotik jendarte-hezitzailearen garrantzira eta lokalen eremuan izan dezaketen betekizunera zabaltzen direnak. Bermeon egindako kasuazterketa aurkeztu ostean, lortu ditugun emaitzak plazaratuko ditugu eta, azkenik, ondorioztatutako ideia nagusiak jasoko dira.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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