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Resumen de TEI-lex0 Guidelines for the Encoding of Dictionary Information on Written adn Spoken forms

Piotr Banski, Jack Bowers, Tomaz Erjavec

  • The paper reviews the results of work done in the context of TEI-Lex0, a joint ENeL / DARIAH / PARTHENOS initiative aimed at formulating guidelines for the encoding of retro-digitized dictionaries by streamlining and simplifying the recommendations of the “Print Dictionaries” chapter of the TEI Guidelines. TEI-Lex0 work is performed by teams concentrating on each of the main components of dictionary entries. The work presented here concerns proposals for constraining TEI-based encoding of orthographic, phonetic, and grammatical information on written and spoken forms of the lemma (headword), including auxiliary inflected forms. We also adduce examples of handling various types of orthographic and phonetic variants, as well as examples of handling the representation of inflectional paradigms, which have received less attention in the TEI Guidelines but which are nonetheless essential for properly exposing data content to the various uses that digitized lexica may have.

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