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Resumen de Dois diferentes textos sobre o mesmo assunto

Sérgio Waldeck de Carvalho

  • English

    This research analyses the speeches exchanged between the thesis defender and the examining oral board in post-graduation at Brazilian universities mainly to achieve a doctor's degree. Such research treats, more specifically, the pragmatic dimension of the language. This research develops three points: firstly, it relates the pragmatic power of the speech; secondly, its relationship with the ritual aspect of these speeches, and, at last, its relationship with the linking process directly between the board and the applicant before the audience.

  • português

    Esta pesquisa examina, do ponto de vista da Análise do Discurso, as especificidades do texto escrito, produzido como tese de pós-graduação na universidade brasileira, para obtenção do grau de doutor e a respectiva defesa oral do mesmo texto, diante da banca e de uma platéia.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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