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Resumen de Las candidaturas independientes frente a la sustentabilidad democrática.

Jorge Francisco Aguirre Sala, Marco Antonio Aranda Andrade

  • español

    Las preguntas centrales de esta investigación son: ¿en qué perspectiva las movilizaciones ciudadanas y las candidaturas independientes promueven la sustentabilidad democrática?, es decir, ¿son las candidaturas independientes y sus condiciones de facto y de jure factores a favor de la calidad democrática?La respuesta optimista considera que toda acción colectiva que suscita la participación politizada promueve la sustentabilidad democrática; al tiempo que las candidaturas independientes, por su aprovechamiento del apoyo social para su registro y postulación, exigen la configuración de la participación con un alto sentido político producto de la movilización colectiva. Por ende, las candidaturas independientes promueven la sustentabilidad democrática.Este argumento implica establecer las nociones de sustentabilidad democrática, es decir, las dinámicas que hacen perdurar las prácticas políticas hacia la consolidación del reconocimiento jurídico de los ciudadanos por establecer un sistema de organización política con apertura y capacidad suficientes para perpetuar el uso de las modalidades democráticas por las generaciones actuales y futuras, ponderando las nociones de dos índices de calidad —de la democracia y de la ciudadanía, con sus correspondientes implicaciones recíprocas—, así como considerar y apuntalar las nociones de participación y responsiveness.

  • English

    The central questions of this research are: which perspective the mobilizations and independent candidates promote democratic sustainability? i.e., are independent candidates, and their factual and legal conditions, factors in favor of democratic quality? The optimistic response considers that any collective action that raises the politicized participation promotes democratic sustainability. While independent candidates, by their use of social support to achieve registration and application, require the participation as a high political sense product of collective mobilization. Therefore independent candidates promote democratic sustainability.

    This argument implies the establishment of the notions of democratic sustainability -the dynamics that make endure political practices towards strengthening the legal recognition of citizens to establish the system of political organization with openness and capacity sufficient to perpetuate the use of democratic methods for generations current and future-, quality of citizenship and democracy, with their reciprocal implications. Also the notions of participation and responsiveness are required.

    In the Mexican case, legal conditions for independent candidates are compared with the requirements for the candidates of political parties. This shows the asymmetry of legal requirements. Therefore, the focus is on the mobilizations that require independent candidates.

    However, de facto, the political-legal concept of “independent” changes from the “independent” adjective —applied to the candidate—, to “independent” substantive —referring to the depositary of a post of representation by election—. Therefore, the concept of “independent” has got a political representation similar to that possess parties. The circumstance closes the social energy and mobilizations during his nomination and campaign.

    To illustrate empirically the above in Mexico, take the case of Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, “el Bronco” corresponding to the election of governor of the state of Nuevo León in 2015. In conclusion, compared with other mechanisms of citizen participation, in México independent candidates are not as desirable yet as a guarantee or as promoting democratic sustainability.

Fundación Dialnet

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