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Resumen de Posidippo Di Pella, 118 Austin Bastianini (Pberol Inv.14283, mp3 1436, ldab 3850, sh 705): osservazioni e confronti

Francesca Angiò

  • A new reconstruction of 118 Austin-Bastianini ( = SH 705), especially based on K. Tsantsanoglou, Critical Observations on Posidippus’ Testament (118 A. -B.), «ZPE» 187 (2013), pp. 122-131 (vv. 12-14 and 19-21), J. Kwapisz, Posidippus 118. 15 A. -B. (SH 705. 14): the Nile, not the Isles, «ZPE» 172 (2010), pp. 27-28, and on a new interpretation (v. 18), is proposed. Some comparisons with «old» and «new» Posidippus (PMilVogl VIII 309) and some with Callimachus, Ai[tia, Prologue and Epilogue, arepresented

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