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Resumen de Creatividad aplicada al videomarketing en Youtube: Análisis del caso de Chanel

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, Miriam Frutos Amador

  • español

    La profusión de las redes sociales en la era 2.0 ha supuesto la redefinición de las estrategias de marketing hacia acciones integrales, segmentadas y transmedia, especialmente encaminadas al uso del videomarketing en redes sociales y plataformas como YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook Live o Periscope entre otras. Este artículo utiliza el análisis de contenido para estudiar los vídeos publicados durante el primer trimestre del año 2017 en el canal corporativo de Chanel en YouTube con el objetivo de identificar los principales formatos utilizados por esta marca de lujo internacional así como sus características, alcance y engagement generado con sus públicos. Los resultados evidencian el uso de la creatividad aplicada al formato de presentación a través de piezas audiovisuales seriadas así como la generación de contenidos exclusivos para públicos más diversos y menos elitistas.

  • English

    Throughout history, it has been often hypothesised on the reasons underlying game and play. Whatever the theoretical framework, it seems obvious that both games and video games are played upon the premise that they provide players with enjoyment and fun. Different authors have suggested that video games are optimal tools in education, since they engage players and trigger learning in different ways. In light of this, educators and policy-makers have seen an opportunity to devise and implement video games in education in hopes that they will infuse academic knowledge into students. However, traditional video games have specific traits that, unlike serious games, make them appealing and engaging to a vast majority of players. This paper attempts to highlight the aspects that make video games successfully entertaining by analysing the different theories that provide insight into the reasons why the human being plays. It also analyses the engagement-related core characteristics of play, and proposes a working definition of games and video games to highlight the idiosyncrasy of serious games.

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